How California Lawmakers Stack Up on Social

Our Fourth Annual Digital Influencer Report ranks California lawmakers by influencer score. The higher the score, the more influential a lawmaker is on social media.

See the Rankings

The Top California Lawmakers on Social Media in 2020

Ranked by Klear Influencer Score. Powered by a sophisticated AI-algorithm, Klear looks at dozens of metrics to generate a 0-100 score which quantifies a user’s influence across social channels. Some lawmakers share the same influencer score and are tied for certain rankings.

Coming in at #3, then-Assemblymember Todd Gloria raised his profile significantly in 2020 when running for Mayor of San Diego.

#3: @ToddGloria

Then-Assemblymember, now Mayor of San Diego

Coming in at #3, then-Assemblymember Todd Gloria raised his profile significantly in 2020 when running for Mayor of San Diego.

Also tied for #3 among lawmakers is then-Assemblymember Christy Smith. She made waves running for Congress in a hotly contested seat.

#3: @ChristySmithCA

Fmr. Assemblymember Christy Smith

Also tied for #3 among lawmakers is then-Assemblymember Christy Smith. She made waves running for Congress in a hotly contested seat.

Tied for the #2 ranking, Assemblymember Kevin Kiley has positioned himself as a dominant voice in opposing COVID-19 policy and regulations implemented by the Newsom Administration.

#2: @KevinKileyCA

Assemblymember Kevin Kiley

Tied for the #2 ranking, Assemblymember Kevin Kiley has positioned himself as a dominant voice in opposing COVID-19 policy and regulations implemented by the Newsom Administration.

Also ranked #2, Senator Melissa Melendez dominated Twitter during much of 2020 as a vocal opponent of policies instituted by Governor Gavin Newsom and the Democratic supermajority in the Legislature.

#2: @senatormelendez

Senator Melissa Melendez

Also ranked #2, Senator Melissa Melendez dominated Twitter during much of 2020 as a vocal opponent of policies instituted by Governor Gavin Newsom and the Democratic supermajority in the Legislature.

Tied for the #1 ranking in 2020, Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez is known for her ubiquitous Twitter presence and her ability to authentically engage on issues.

#1: @LorenaSGonzalez

Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez

Tied for the #1 ranking in 2020, Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez is known for her ubiquitous Twitter presence and her ability to authentically engage on issues.

Senator Scott Wiener once again ranks #1 among California lawmakers. From housing to health care, his Twitter presence and reach is a force to be reckoned with.

#1: @Scott_Wiener

Senator Scott Wiener

Senator Scott Wiener once again ranks #1 among California lawmakers. From housing to health care, his Twitter presence and reach is a force to be reckoned with.

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Full 2020 Lawmaker Rankings: Senate

Measured by Klear Influencer Score. Powered by a sophisticated AI-algorithm, Klear looks at dozens of metrics to generate a 0-100 score which quantifies a user’s influence across social channels (for most lawmakers, Twitter makes up most of their score). Some lawmakers share the same influencer score and are tied for certain rankings.

Member Twitter Handle Score
Andreas Borgeas @SenatorBorgeas 44
Anna Caballero @CASenCaballero 43
Anthony Portantino @Portantino 58
Ben Allen @BenAllenCA 57
Ben Hueso @SenBenHueso 38
Ben Hueso @BenHueso 34
Bill Dodd @BillDoddCA 50
Bill Dodd @SenBillDodd 36
Bob Archuleta @SenBobArchuleta 35
Bob Archuleta @Bob4Senator 29
Bob Wieckowski @BobWieckowskiCA 46
Brian Dahle @BrianDahleCA 53
Brian Jones @SenBrianJones 51
Brian Jones @electbrianjones 30
Cathleen Galgiani @SenatorGalgiani 43
Connie Leyva @SenatorLeyva 55
Connie Leyva @ConnieMLevya 19
Hannah-Beth Jackson @SenHannahBeth 55
Henry Stern @HenrySternCA 53
Henry Stern @SenHenryStern 32
Holly Mitchell @HollyJMitchell 67
Jim Beall @Jimbealljr 57
Jim Nielsen @CASenatorJim 44
John Moorlach @SenatorMoorlach 58
John Moorlach @JohnMoorlachOC 39
Lena Gonzalez @SenGonzalez_33 49
Ling Ling Chang @L2ChangCA 49
Ling Ling Chang @LTwoC 43
Maria Elena Durazo @MariaEDurazo 51
Maria Elena Durazo @SenMariaEDurazo 42
Melissa Hurtado @Senator_Hurtado 41
Melissa Melendez @senatormelendez 78
Mike McGuire @ilike_mike 60
Mike Morrell @MikeMorrellGOP 48
Nancy Skinner @NancySkinnerCA 56
Pat Bates @SenatorPatBates 48
Richard Pan @DrPanMD 70
Richard Roth @GeneralRoth 51
Robert Hertzberg @hertzieLA 50
Robert Hertzberg @SenateHertzberg 46
Scott Wiener @Scott_Wiener 81
Scott Wilk @ScottWilkCA 52
Shannon Grove @ShannonGroveCA 56
Shannon Grove @shannongrove 52
Steve Glazer @Steve_Glazer 54
Steven Bradford @SteveBradford 52
Susan Rubio @SenSusanRubio 42
Susan Rubio @SusanRubioCA 30
Tom Umberg @SenatorUmberg 40
Tom Umberg @TomUmbergCA 31
Toni Atkins @toniatkins 68
Toni Atkins @SenToniAtkins 59

*Sens. Bill Monning and Jerry Hill do not have a Twitter account.

Full 2020 Lawmaker Rankings: Assembly

Measured by Klear Influencer Score. Powered by a sophisticated AI-algorithm, Klear looks at dozens of metrics to generate a 0-100 score which quantifies a user’s influence across social channels (for most lawmakers, Twitter makes up most of their score). Some lawmakers share the same influencer score and are tied for certain rankings.

Member Twitter Handle Score
Adam Gray @AdamGrayCA 43
Adam Gray @GrayForAssembly 35
Adrin Nazarian @Asm_Nazarian 52
Al Muratsuchi @AMuratsuchi 42
Al Muratsuchi @AsmMuratsuchi 42
Anthony Rendon @Rendon63rd 67
Anthony Rendon @RendonAnthony 41
Ash Kalra @Ash_Kalra 68
Autumn Burke @AsmAutumnBurke 46
Autumn Burke @autumnrburke 42
Bill Brough N/A
Bill Quirk @AsmBillQuirk 45
Bill Quirk @Bill_Quirk 28
Blanca Rubio @AsmBlancaRubio 44
Blanca Rubio @Blanca_E_Rubio 37
Brian Maienschein @BMaienschein 51
Buffy Wicks @BuffyWicks 76
Buffy Wicks @AsmBuffyWicks 29
Cecilia Aguiar-Curry @AsmAguiarCurry 41
Chad Mayes @ChadMayes 51
Chris Holden @ChrisHoldenNews 53
Chris Holden @Holden4Assembly 24
Christy Smith @ChristySmithCA 77
Christy Smith @AsmChristySmith 48
Cottie Petrie-Norris @VoteCottie 45
Cottie Petrie-Norris @AsmCottie 43
Cristina Garcia @AsmGarcia 55
David Chiu @DavidChiu 72
Devon Mathis @devonjmathis 35
Ed Chau @AsmEdChau 38
Eduardo Garcia @AsmEGarciaAD56 46
Eloise Reyes @AsmReyes47 48
Eloise Reyes @reyes4assembly 36
Evan Low @Evan_Low 67
Frank Bigelow @FrankBigelowCA 48
Freddie Rodriguez @AsmRodriguez52 51
Freddie Rodriguez @Freddie4AD52 20
Heath Flora @HeathFloraCA 39
Ian Calderon @IanCalderon 64
Ian Calderon @IanAD57 43
Jacqui Irwin @ASM_Irwin 46
Jacqui Irwin @jacquiirwin 45
James Gallagher @J_GallagherAD3 62
James Ramos @AsmJamesRamos 40
Jay Obernolte @JayObernolte 55
Jay Obernolte @TeamObernolte 30
Jesse Gabriel @AsmJesseGabriel 42
Jesse Gabriel @JesseGabrielCA 36
Jim Cooper @AsmJimCooper 52
Jim Frazier @AsmFrazier 43
Jim Patterson @JimPatterson559 50
Jim Wood @JimWoodAD2 50
Joaquin Arambula @drarambulaAD31 42
Joaquin Arambula @drarambula559 39
Jordan Cunningham @Cunning_Jordan 42
Jose Medina @AsmJoseMedina 53
Kansen Chu @KansenChu 46
Ken Cooley @KenCooley 42
Kevin Kiley @KevinKileyCA 78
Kevin McCarty @AsmKevinMcCarty 50
Kevin McCarty @KevinMcCartyCA 47
Kevin Mullin @kevinmullin 52
Laura Friedman @laurafriedman43 56
Lorena Gonzalez @LorenaSGonzalez 81
Lorena Gonzalez @LorenaAD80 64
Luz Rivas @LuzRivas 52
Luz Rivas @AsmLuzRivas 44
Marc Berman @AsmMarcBerman 43
Marc Berman @Marc_Berman 37
Marc Levine @MarcLevine 46
Marc Levine @AsmMarcLevine 44
Marie Waldron @MarieWaldron75 54
Mark Stone @AsmMarkStone 48
Megan Dahle @AsmMeganDahle 26
Miguel Santiago @SantiagoAD53 50
Mike Gipson @AsmMikeGipson 48
Mike Gipson @mgipson2014 41
Monique Limón @MoniqueLimonCA 51
Monique Limón @SMoniqueLimon 29
Patrick O’Donnell @AsmPatODonnell 45
Phil Ting @PhilTing 62
Phil Ting @AsmPhilTing 62
Phillip Chen @PhillipChenCA 40
Randy Voepel @RandyVoepel 44
Rebecca Bauer-Kahan @BauerKahan 42
Reggie Jones-Sawyer @JonesSawyerAD59 55
Reggie Jones-Sawyer @R_JonesSawyer 42
Richard Bloom @RichardBloom 53
Richard Bloom @AsmRichardBloom 49
Rob Bonta @RobBonta 67
Rob Bonta @RobBontaCA
Robert Rivas @AsmRobertRivas 38
Robert Rivas @RobertRivas_CA 37
Rudy Salas @rudysalasjr 49
Sabrina Cervantes @AsmCervantes 48
Sabrina Cervantes @Cervantes4Asm 39
Sharon Quirk-Silva @QuirkSilva65th 43
Sharon Quirk-Silva @quirk_silva 30
Sharon Quirk-Silva @SQSforAssembly 27
Shirley Weber @DrWeber4CA 63
Steven Choi @choi4assembly 30
Susan Eggman @SusanEggman 49
Susan Eggman @SenSusanEggman 47
Sydney Kamlager @sydneykamlager 51
Tasha Boerner Horvath @AsmTbh 36
Tasha Boerner Horvath @tashaboerner 36
Tim Grayson @AsmGrayson 40
Tim Grayson @Tim4Assembly 32
Todd Gloria @ToddGloria 77
Tom Lackey @TomLackey36 49
Tyler Diep @TylerDiep 43
Vince Fong @vfong 41
Vince Fong @AsmVinceFong 38
Wendy Carrillo @wendycarrillo 70
Wendy Carrillo @AsmCarrillo 41

*Asm. Tom Daly does not have a Twitter account.

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