Marko Mlikotin

Senior Counselor

Marko Mlikotin embraces the philosophy that California’s business and political environment can be difficult to navigate. When failure is not an option, winning strategies and tactics are required to deliver measurable results that define business interests as public interests.  

 Marko is a seasoned political and public affairs strategist with more than 25 years of experience in California elections and public policy, specializing in land use entitlement, media relations, community relations, issue management and grassroots advocacy. For more than 20 years, he has represented a broad spectrum of industries, including retail, commercial, and housing development, public construction, agriculture, mining, technology, recycling, public-utilities, railways, and commercial harbor craft and sportfishing.    

 He specializes in building community relations programs that support high-profile land use projects through the entitlement process. His tested tactics have proven to be extremely effective in undermining well-financed opposition, while building community support. 

Marko served as chief of staff for a former Sacramento area Member of Congress, who served on the House Agriculture, Finance and Government Reform Committees. In this capacity, Marko was responsible for developing and managing policy, appropriation, political and communications plans for the Congressman’s  personal office and Subcommittee on Energy, Natural Resources and Regulatory Affairs. He also served as campaign manager when the Member’s congressional district was deemed one of the competitive and costliest races in the country.  

 Prior to his experience in Washington D.C., Marko served as a political strategist for two California Governors, and with their elections, advised them on political appointments to various state agencies, boards and commissions related to natural resources, environmental regulation, water and agriculture.  

 Marko has been active in his community, serving in volunteer positions that included the board of directors for the Sacramento Metro Chamber of Commerce, Region Business and Region Builders. He also served as chairman of the Sacramento Metro Chamber of Commerce MetroPAC and the Folsom Chamber of Commerce JobsPAC. He served on the Cal-Expo and State Fair Board as a director and board chair, the Folsom Parks Commission, and the city’s Redevelopment Advisory Committee.  

 Mlikotin received a Bachelor of Science in Public Administration from the University of Southern California. 

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